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Returnee’s situation after returning home

Name: Eyleas Khail
Age: 30 years old


Since 1988, we had lived in Pakistan as refugees. Life was going well there, but we came back to Chaparhar district, Nangarhar Province.


We cannot go back to our own house due to lack of money. We are right now in Chena village living in a rental house. My sons are not going to school because we need to work and pay for the rent of the house. My daughter is not going to school, either because the existing school is so far from my home.


Every morning, I and my sons went to town to find any work but unfortunately, we could not find any jobs. After for a few days, I contacted my neighbor to find any work. He said I should prepare one wheelbarrow for selling vegetables in town. At last, we found one but did not have enough money for purchasing it and again I went to the neighbors to lend me some cash for a new wheelbarrow. I bought a new one and am getting income from that. But I cannot do the business alone because I have a kidney disease needing some rest at home.


Right now, we expect a better life as we are going to have safe water from the well  constructed by JEN. We really appreciate this NGO. But we still need school buildings and shelters. We hope for more support for returnees from this NGO.


[Eyleas Khail’s family is using this makeshift latrine at their home]

[Eyleas Khail and his family live in this room]

[Eyleas Khail with all of his children]


【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.

November 2, 2022 in Afghanistan |