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Emergency water supply in west Mosul

The central Iraqi city of Mosul was liberated from the armed group in July 2017.

Mosul originally had 2 million people. It is the second largest city in Iraq. After the release, refugees started to return. The population was 400,000 in August 2017 but it is now 800,000 as of November.

The homes of the refugees were destroyed. There is a shortage of water and electricity. In addition to public services like schools and hospitals, infrastructure like electricity and transport networks, improvement of security, and economic activities has to be reestablished.

Although the displaced are returning home, there are still many people who are living in refugee camps. It was also reported that almost 700 families went back to the camp from west Mosul because their homes were destroyed. The water infrastructure in Mosul city was destroyed in the battle, and water purchase has been economically straining for the refugees.

In this situation, JEN provided emergency water supply by trucks for 3.5 months since October. At its peak, water was supplied to 114,000 people out of the total population of 800,000 people.

The water authority of Mosul is also making an effort to reestablish the water supply network. Access to water is gradually being restored. Water supply by JEN supports the reestablishment of the refugees’ lives.

【Water supply truck going around to distribute water】

【Destroyed bridge in Mosul (photo by Ahmed Al-Hayali)】

【Destroyed bridge and streets in Mosul (photo by Ahmed Al-Hayali)】

February 8, 2018 in Iraq |