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Event in Afghanistan, No.2

I’d like to share another Eid that is different from Eid al-Fitr. Both Eids are held for three days. However, the second Eid-al-Adha is a memorial service to slaughter sheep, goat, cow and camel.

The way of celebrating Eid is slightly different depending on the region because of different traditions. This event is one of the most important days for men and women of all ages to enjoy their life.

In addition, during the Eid period, people who haven’t gotten well meet with each other to make up their relationship. Affianced couples also partake in visiting each stepfather.

[Lunch time with relative during Eid Al-Adha]

We will share other festival events following the next report,

Zuhra Afshar
Field officer,
JEN Afghan Office

【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.

January 26, 2017 in Afghanistan |