Livestock Management Committe
A sustainable approach in livestock protection project
In June 2014, around 1 million people were dislocated from NWA-FATA (North Waziristan Agency-Federally Administered Tribal Areas) due to man-made disaster. During the dislocation and emergency situation a lot of people lost their animals on the way, some people sold it out on very minimal prices in distress and most of the animals got diseased or weakened due to unavailability of adequate feed and livestock management practices.
JEN being one of the most active members of Food Security Cluster initiated a livestock protection project to avoid loss of animals in the short term and assist food security of the affected people in the longer-run. JEN provided vaccination, de-worming, livestock shelter and livestock management education to targeted 1,000 HHs.
In order to retain the services provided by JEN in the targeted community even after JEN evacuation, JEN formed five LMCs (Livestock Management Committees). Each LMC is comprised of 20 LEWs (Livestock Extension Worker where each LEW has been trained by JEN’s livestock expert for 10 days on livestock management), 6 village elders and 1 person each from the government livestock department and private sector.
In this regard, government livestock department organized a field day in JEN’s target area to educate the affected people on livestock management and provide free of cost services of vaccination and de-worming. The LEWs trained by JEN and JEN staff also participated in this event. Around 125 small animals were vaccinated against enterotoxaemia and 20 large livestock were given de-wormers. Representative of the government livestock department provided answers to the queries of affected people for improved livestock management. JEN has recently exited from the project site and is quite hopeful that the LMC will continue its due role for the affected people with strong cooperation from government livestock department.
【A meeting with LMC members】
【JEN staff is training member of LMC】
【Vaccination organized by agriculture livestock department】
【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.
DONATE here】