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Water tank is under construction!

JEN Haiti has been working on a project in the sector of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), funded by the government of Japan and supported by people of Japan. The project aims to improve access to safe water in Palmes region, West Department, in Haiti. For this project, we construct water facilities in the form of kiosks and a big water tank, as well as conducting hygiene promotion activities.

[Map of Haiti, Palmes Region in West Department]
At kiosks, local people pay for water per bucket. Why JEN does not offer water for free? In order for kiosks to be sustainably operated, they require maintenance and repairs and this cost can be covered by the money collected from the usage of water. This payment system enables local people to manage the kiosks sustainably even after JEN finishes our project.

Our current project started in December 2014. As of July 2014, we are on the final stage of implementation. For the moment, we are constructing a water tank (see the photos below). As you can see in the photos, wall of the tank is currently under construction.

[Construction of a water tank] 

[JEN construction team]
[Truck which pours concrete to a mold of the water tank]
140821_16The construction is planned to complete in a couple of weeks. We will shortly report its completion!

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August 21, 2014 in Haiti |