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My Cultural Origin

I, Muni Cicilia, write my article about my culture (Kakwa).  The Kakwa are the people who are speak Bari.

By that time they are a group of people who speak one language; they do the same work of mixed farming where they cultivate different type of food crop e.g. sorghums, millet, simsim, cowpeas, groundnuts  and goats rearing. They had their beliefs that they only grow the sorghums, millet for food. And as generally the Bari speakers like paste much so they grow the groundnuts and simsim for paste as their traditional sauce.

By that time they came to realize that they know too many with a lot of deaths in their community, they start to move towards river Nile in central equatorial in Juba. From there they remain as Bari speakers of one community settled near mountain Ladu, and again from that settlement death continued. Because the Bari speakers thought that the continuing deaths were due to that people were staying together in close and are generally fear of death so much, they came to divide themselves from being a Bari speaker to several tribes in central equatorial. For example, others moves to Kajokeji are called kuku and those who move to Yei are the Kakwa where I Muni Cicilia belongs as a residence of Yei River County in a Payam called Mugwo and those remains in Juba are the Bari.

Muni Cicilia

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August 14, 2014 in South Sudan |