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World Water day

Do you know what special day March 22nd is?
It is World Water day, and this was declared by United Nation since 1993. As our program in Haiti is focused on “Water”, we wanted to do something special for this day to remind everyone the importance of water. So we have decided to have hygiene promotion event at 4 of the communities we have been working. (We currently work with 18 communities) Our team has put a lot of effort in planning this event, involving CAEPA (water management committee) and hygiene promotion volunteers. Main focuses on this event was to teach people about Water protection, treatment and conservation. To show the importance of treated water, we created the slogan for this event “Dlo+Tretman=Sante” meaning treated water is for the health. Our team has put a lot effort in preparing the program including music, play, games and so on. Many volunteers have come out to help in the preparation.

As the poorest country in the west hemisphere, Haiti has been relying on assistance of NGOs and international organizations. We noticed in our activity that this causes Haitian people to be more reluctant in taking responsibility of their communal facilities and they rather rely on NGOs or other organizations to take action for them. One of JEN’s objectives of this program is to assist in creating an environment where community takes control of their own facility and to be self-sustainable in a long run. For the reason above, we tried to create the program for this event, which requires everyone to participate by taking small training using paper play and answer some questions in the form of quiz. We also wanted to take this opportunity to distribute some hygiene kits which were previously donated by UNICEF and MSF. We made sure that people who participated in the training or certain activities in the event to receive this kit. We hope the adults and kids in the community enjoyed the event and also learned important lessons from us!

[Banner for the event]

[Training on water treatment by JEN staff]

[Putting a bracelet with the slogan, Dlo+Tretman=Sante]

[Distributing Hygiene kit]

[People gathering to see the play and games]

[Kids getting training on washing hands properly]

【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.

April 3, 2014 in Haiti |