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Conflict Mitigation in FATA

JEN is implementing its projects for returnees in FATA since 2012 December.  Those returnees were earlier displaced from their homes due to conflict between government forces and anti-state elements. Generally, the tribal area is known as conflict zone in the rest of the country due to the prolonged insecure situation.

Traditionally every person in FATA keeps his own weapon. People of FATA are famous for different types of behaviors like hospitality and friendships.  On the other hand, they are famous for low percentage of literacy and being engaged in prolonged conflicts.

During implementation period of projects, JEN staff faced some challenges to handle conflicts arising between the community members on water supply schemes. It was most important to resolve the conflicts on time for achieving the desired results. Keeping in view such challenging environment at community level, JEN staff was oriented about the social structure of FATA and they were trained to better deal the beneficiaries.

JEN staff was committed and hardworking. They showed diplomacy in such situation and were successful to resolve all such issues arose time to time during the implementation.  As a result, JEN implemented its projects successfully and the exit was smooth and peaceful from the target area.

[Community Meeting]


【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.

April 3, 2014 in Pakistan |