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The motorcycle traffic in Haiti

In 90-91 years, motorcycle traffic were some things that was at the bottom of the scale or may frequent able seen that there was not much on the Haitian walking. In 1996-97 specifically Jacmel, a trader named Edo Zenny currently Senator of the Republic, gave himself a goal to help youth by providing a motorcycle to work and they will have to refund the money over a period defined with an interest. But without knowing what it was going to spread throughout the country. In 2000, began to install some outlets motorcycle in Port-au-Prince and in some provincial towns, without even having time to lift a finger. This traffic became uncontrollable for law enforcement in terms of security and further exacerbates our agricultural production.
On the security front:  according to some police reports with this uncontrollable has increased the rate of insecurity especially in the capital, because it is much easier now for bandits to move and ask banditry on the population. Bikers work in an organized thief group or even as an individual. Despite all effort and investment on traffic regulation the motorbikes by their facility to progress traffic confuse the order, and for the police is still one of the fighting wins. In terms of loss of life the rate is higher than by weapons, first cause the bikers are not qualified enough.
Haiti faces a similar experience since couple a years with less damage on the society. This phenomenon is called “chofè has dwat” in creole. Is basically a young boy in the family leave the province to Port-Au-Prince o become a van driver that travel in the country, and give up school at the same time.
This two society phenomenon, motorbike taxi and van driver, lead to a lack of man power on a field, farmer that feed the country. According to some reports in some parts of the country the live food production decreased by 50%, with a high rate of unemployment work the land as an farmer do not generate enough money to leave and feed their family, thus they really hope that this little amount of money quickly earn can support the family at least until the next day.

March 11, 2014 in Haiti |