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Ishinomaki’s Elementary Schools Supplied with Play Equipment.

JEN donated new playground equipment to elementary schools in the city of Ishinomaki, whose equipment had remained unplayable due to the disaster.
Presentation ceremonies were held at Kama Elementary School on March 12 and at Okaido Elementary School on March 17.
【Children played with newly installed equipment.】
<Kama Elementary School>
<Okaido Elementary School>
Representing all of the children in Okaido Elementary School, a second grader, Miss Yuri Sato, cheerfully expressed her appreciation saying “We love playing around in our playground; we’ve been feeling unhappy because we can’t play with equipment; thank you so much for presenting us teeters and swings; we’ll use them carefully.”
【A picture of the presentation ceremony at Okaido Elementary School.】
For a video on You Tube showing the presentation ceremony and children playing with playground equipment, click here.
Provision of parks and sandlots for temporary quarter sites desperately reduced children’s play areas, and so elementary schools’ playgrounds with playing equipment are something that provide rare places for children to play. But the playground equipment damaged by the tsunami got rusty due to salt erosion, and that has restricted children in elementary schools and junior high schools in Ishinomaki from playing with their playground equipment.
In consultation with the Ishinomaki city board of education, JEN presented four schools playground equipment this time. New playground equipment will have been installed at Teizann Elementary Schhol, Kaduma Elementary Schools as well as Kama Elementary School and Okaido Elementary School by the end of April.
With an eye toward restoring communities and creating an environment where children can have an easier life, JEN is committed its continued supportive efforts in cooperation with local communities and schools. We hope you continue supporting JEN’s efforts.
====For urgent donation…↓↓↓↓↓↓

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Account holder: JEN
Please write “Tohoku Earthquake” on the liaison column.

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For any inquiries regarding bank transfers, please contact Tomita or  Asakawa in JEN Tokyo Office at 03-5225-9352

March 28, 2014 in Tohoku earthquake |