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Psychological Care For Children by Distribution of Goats

Since July 2011, JEN has been distributing goats as a means of livelihood to internally displaced persons in Dera Ismail Khan. In 2009, a battle happened in South Waziristan in FATA made these internally displaced persons forced to live as refugees. Also, they lost everything because of a massive flood occurred in 2010.

Recipients of JEN's support are people in especially vulnerable situation among refugees such as widows, orphans, fatherless families, the disabled, the elderly, and families which have relatively big number of people. Distribution of goats not only supports internally displaced persons' recovery of livelihood, but also good for the psychological wellbeing of children in many cases. Especially for orphans, goats are a source of income and moreover, precious playmates.


Targeted orphans of JEN's support had been thoroughly dependent on guardians of the families they lived with. After they received their goats, they drink and sell  the goats' milk. The income of breeding goats enables some of them to go to schools. Children love to play with young goats and they keep themselves busy putting their kid goats out to pasture diligently.
Such action of playing outdoors has effect on children to ease their psychological pains and anxieties caused by disputes and their refuge life.
This year, JEN continues to distribute goats to the refugees who are in the most vulnerable of conditions.

【JEN is now accepting donations. Your help would be very much appreciated.

August 29, 2013 in Pakistan |