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Volunteers improve learning environment for pupils at elementary schools on the Oshika Peninsula

On June 12, seventeen employees from UNIQLO, dividing into two groups, did volunteer work at two elementary schools on the Oshika Peninsula. JEN has got involved in assistance activities for schools in the city of Ishinomaki, cooperating with UNIQLO for the implementation of "UNIQLO Reconstruction Backup Program." The volunteer work at Oohara elementary school was to paint outdoor play equipments. The employees repainted the equipments left to rust and lose color in glowing colors like yellow, light blue and white with paint smeared on their hands, faces and clothes.
A day-long volunteer work wonderfully renewed many types of equipment such as fencing around schoolyard, soccer goalposts, benches, monkey bars, slides, overhead ladders, exercising bars, swings and so on.

【They keep painting without saying a word!】

【It took the seven of them to finish painting monkey bars.】

A cheer of "Oh, Wow!" from pupils the freshly-painted equipments drew.
These employees couldn't wait to see pupils play with the equipments. They shared school lunches with the pupils and then sweated from playing dodgeball together at lunch break.

【Pupils were running energetically around at the playground】

On the other hand, Ogihama elementary school's pupils got their pool cleaned.

【Volunteers made the dirty pool sparkle!】

Ogihama elementary school's pupil enrolled has decreased to only four as one of them transferred to another school this spring. Learning at a school with the smallest number of pupils in Miyagi prefecture, they looked happy having a rare time contacting with so many people outside. Now that more than two years have passed after the disaster, elementary schools in Ishinomaki city face diverse problems with pupils' learning environment, play areas and so on. JEN is committed to continuing its support efforts so that pupils may be able to learn in a better environment or play freely.

【JEN is now accepting donations for the reconstruction of Tohoku. Your help would be very much appreciated.

June 20, 2013 in Tohoku earthquake |