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The Aikawa primary school drum and fife band marches through Jyusanhama.

Having been devastated by the disaster, Aikawa primary school in Kitakami Town, Ishinomaki City is giving classes at schoolrooms offered by Yoshiura primary school in the same town along with Yoshihama primary school which has also been damaged by the disaster.

Thanks to the rock band GLAY who approves "HOPE FOR JAPAN", an initiative by "mudef", a general incorporated association, a total of 289 music instruments of 86 kinds were presented to 16 primary, junior high and high schools in Ishinomaki, including Aikawa primary school.

The drum and fife band comprised of all the pupils of that Aikawa primary school held concerts at eight places in Kitakami Town on July 8,

【Photo 1:The band's performance at Jyusanhama-Komuro area.】

The entire band member had practiced together playing drums, harmonicas, trumpets and accordions since July and gave those gathered the results of its practice in perfect harmony conducted by a sixth grader; the audience gave a warm hand to the band.

The band played at the temporary housing in Nikkori(smily) Sun Park, the first of a series of its performances held at seven places within the Aikawa school district such as Oomuro, Komuro and so on,

【Photo:The band marching through the district】

Aikawa primary school is set to be closed next spring and so this is the last concert under the name of Aikawa primary school. The local people listening to the performance said "My heart is full when I think this will be the last playing to listen to." The pupils will also never forget today's playing.

【People of Jyuusanhama listen to pupils playing.】

In Kitakami district, not a few people still forced to live under difficult conditions in temporary housing but today they looked getting refreshed to listen to the pupils play cheerfully. JEN is committed to keeping a close eye on the pupils. As always, we appreciate your continuing support for our activities.

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Account holder: JEN

Please write “Tohoku Earthquake” on the liaison column.

○Credit card: http://bit.ly/c7R8iA 
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For any inquiries regarding bank transfers, please contact JEN Tokyo Office (phone: 03-5225-9352, contact: Tomita or Asakawa).

July 26, 2012 in Tohoku earthquake |