It's a joy to work at sea. The second report on the job creation project in Omotehama
In four coastal areas, Omotehama, Higashihama, Urahama and Ishinomaki, JEN has started a job creation project that JEN asks fishermen to work on making fishing nets with materials which JEN has provided for them and supply those products to fishermen whose fishing nets have been washed away by the tsunami.
On June 29 along with people from the magazine house which issues "STORY", "B-ST"(People who for Beauty do their beST and are Beauties on a STage and live for a Beauty STory), we set out on a tour to Omotehama where the magazine house has been supporting to supply fishing nets. This time we visited Mr. Takahashi in Kyubunhama, Omotehama area, who calls himself a small fisherman. It is a small fisherman who, in dive fishing using a variety of tools, lives on catching seasonal fishes and seafood that grows in rocky coastal waters such as shellfish, seaweed and so on.
Fishermen use a small fishing boat with a winch to lift nets when they harvest mantis shrimps. After about ten minutes navigation, we could see a buoy, which is a marker of a trap net.
【A marker buoy of a trap net.】
【Winch the trap net set the day before.】
【While winching, they are taking catches off the net one by one.】
【Mr. Takahashi is working on a ship.】
【Mantis shrimps just removed from net.】
Mr. Takahashi is engaging in fishing with his wife and son. His wife Teruyo said to us "After the disaster, we have been doing part-time job at a noodle shop but participating this project provided us an opportunity to return to fishery. Then it's very fulfilling and challenging after all. No doubt, there are a lot of no easy matters!"
【Ms. Teruyo says laughingly "Living on fishery is challenging."】
【People from "STORY" and "B-ST" magazine and JEN staff listen to Mr. And Ms. Takahashi】
Mr. Takahashi said "From now on, we get on with my family and are thinking of challenging culture fishery." I heard that at first, as they have lost everything, he said to his son "You can give up fishing." But according to him, his son said to him "All I can do is fishing. Because I've learned to live on fishing, I'll continue to work as a fisherman."and actually he chose to follow a career as a fisherman.
They still have a mountain full of issues to tackle, the bank raising of the harbor, obtaining ships and fishery equipments that have been washed away by the tsunami, moving to high ground from temporary houses and so on. We got a feeling that they are strong enough to put feasible problems first into practice.
JEN is committed to stand by people who make progress toward recovery.
We seek the continued support for our activities.
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July 12, 2012 in Tohoku earthquake | Permalink