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Tale from a volunteer 6: On a Stunning Sunny Day at the bay - By D.A.

During an 8 day stay at JEN’s Watanoha House, Ishinomaki, as a volunteer, I was amazed by the number of volunteers. People come from all over Japan to participate in the volunteer programme for a day or more, some staying at Watanoha House, where everyone eats and sleeps under the same roof.


The work was physically hard and my body aches in places I didn’t know existed, but it was great to see that a large group of us had a significant impact on clearing the storm drains of a little fishing village in Ayukawa in Oshika Peninsula. The local fisherman in charge was grateful to have us there and at lunch time he put a piece of wood across 2 trestles to create a make-shift table for us on which to enjoy our noodles - which 2 sisters staying with us in the House had had the foresight to prepare and bring for the House-volunteers. I was so hungry by then that this simple meal was a feast fit for a king!

Looking across the bay on this glorious sunny day, the view was as pretty as any you might wish to see, so difficult to comprehend the sight the Tsunami must have presented on 3.11, causing the devastation behind me.

Remarks: D.A, from England, contributing for 3 weeks in Japan. 2weeks at JEN Head Quoters, 1week in Ishinomaki.

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Sludge Removal Volunteer click here

September 27, 2011 in Volunteer InfomarionTohoku earthquake |