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Distribution of supplies in Samad Qila, Charsadda District

Below are some photos from March 21st when we distributed supplies in Samad Qila in Charsadda District.

110331_1 The beneficiaries are waiting to receive agriculture tool kit under the tent.

110331_3JEN staff in the field check the beneficiary’s ID card and token to make sure the person is registered.


A beneficiary taking his agriculture tool kit on his shoulder. He will receive bags of fertilizer before heading home. The bags of fertilizer are carried by the workers in wheelbarrows.

110331_5_2The beneficiary is following the worker carrying his fertilizer in a wheelbarrow towards the gate.

110331_4_2The constable checks people entering the distribution point.

110331_7_2 The distribution point.

110331_6 A worker before the distribution of supplies.

PakiFarmers from Samad Qila loading their agriculture tool kit on a Suzuki vehicle.

March 31, 2011 in Pakistan |