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The Footstep of my Father and my Uncle (Part 1)

We would like to introduce one of the JEN Sudan staff two two-report series. He is Mr. Haileselasse Meles, an administrative assistant in JEN Sudan’s Juba Office.


“I had no dreams at all that neither my relatives nor I will go out elsewhere than my country, Eritrea, especially at this retiring age. After all, all of us were living in Ethiopia until the independence of my country. By the way, all of us are civil servants and hence are working for different companies and organizations.
Me, after having worked for different private and governmental organizations, fortunately I joined JEN in 2002, in Eritrea. But following its withdrawal in 2006, since the employment opportunity was so low, I had to apply to work in JEN Sudan and thanks to the management; the response was prompt and positive.
To the surprise of the reader, I had no passport until then and I was asked to report in Juba in less than a fortnight.  But to my satisfaction, I acquired the passport and the visa and reported in Juba within the deadline.

Some part of Meles Family
My stay in Juba working for JEN was really a pleasure not only to my family and me but also to my close relatives.”
(To be continued in the next report…)

February 25, 2010 in South Sudan |