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The death toll of the Haitian earthquake

20100213 The Haitian government, on 10th February, has reannounced the death toll of this earthquake, from 200,000 to 230,000.

With population of around 10,000,000, this death toll means that more than 1 out of 50 have lost their lives. To come to think about it, I realized how destructive this earthquake was.

For example, the number signifies that out of 400 of your high school graduating class, 8 have died. Out of 20,000,000 that watched a soccer match, up to 400 have died, all at the same time.

20100213_2 Those that survived the earthquake fortunately must bring themselves together to rebuild their lives. This is going to be a very, very long journey.

JEN aims to assist in their ‘self-reliance’. We are determined to support as much as possible in this earthquake-stricken country.

February 13, 2010 in Haiti |