Influenza outbreak
On June 27th, the first case of A/H1N1 influenza in Myanmar was reported. Therefore, the inspections at the airport have become as strict as in Japan. The cost of masks has risen from 10 yen to 40 yen and stocks have been ran out. The only people who wear the mask are those of wealthy people and majority of the people of Myanmar are not able to afford to wear one.
The people do not want to wear it from the fear that might caused the rumor that "you are ill", due to the common idea that those who wear a mask are in sick. JEN heard that there are quite a number of housewives who hesitate to wear one for go shopping.
This picture is taken at a kindergartens for the wealthy family in Yangon. They have made a decision to wear masks. Although both teachers and children are wearing it, they are laughing at each others’ faces as it is strange to wear it. Some children even cry because they do not want to put it on.
Despite the emergency of influenza's outbreak, JEN has come to realize that our planet is linked each other in various ways.
(Anh Kyi Win, a local staff)