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The Story of Yeywey

04dec_sany0219__low   Several days ago, JEN visited the village of Yeywey to monitor our project. Yeywey is located two hours by boat from Lapta. Yeywey encountered the highest wave (ca. 3 m 60 cm) amongst the affected regions. Therefore, the population of the village declined from the pre-Cyclone condition of 1,500 (300 households) to 500 (150 households) including households from neighboring villages.

  When the Cyclone hit the village, a temple, which had been considered the strongest structure in the village was the first to collapse. The villagers who saw this temple collapse survived by rushing into a two-story school building or the homes of influential villagers, or clung to big trees,.

  The most well-known story is that of a mother and her baby who survived in a two-story house. JEN was introduced to this mother as soon as we entered the village and was given an opportunity to hear her story. JEN was told that they have rushed into a two-story house to escape from high waves. However, they had barely reached the second floor when the roof of the house was blown off (see image). Seconds after this incident, they were hit by high waves. The mother desperately clung to a post of the house with her one arm while she upheld her baby with the other. In this way, they both just barely survived.04dec_sany0264_low

  The devastating power of the Cyclone and high waves can be sensed from this building which still remains as it was. On the other hand, this building is also a place where the members of the village can share the joy of the miracle of survival of this baby.

  JEN has learned the importance to live through providing aid to villagers and, catalyzed by their strength, continues our activities.

December 4, 2008 in Myanmar |