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The 3rd Village Revitalization Volunteering Event

080701_1 The 3rd Village Development Volunteering Event was held from June 20th to 22nd, and 12 volunteers participated. The main activity of the event was clearing weeds. Weeding along the municipal and agricultural roads is quite labor intensive, and thus especially in a village such as Iketani and Iriyama which suffers from a shortage of labor desparately needs support from volunteers.

This year again, a number of staff from Morgan Stanley have participated in this event. They had come to Niigata directly from their office just after they had finished their work on Friday. From the following Saturday morning, they had the pleasure of clearing the weeds under the scorching sun.

Today, various people visit Iketani and Iriyama from all over the country. We are encouraged by the consideration of huge Multi National firms like Morgan Stanley towards such a small village. We hope that more and more firms will take similar interest.080701_2

We would like to continue developing a network which links Iketani and its outside world. We look forward to participation and support from various people. We hope that together we will continue to create a flourishing community in the future.

July 3, 2008 in Niigata |