The 3rd Earthquake-Proof School Now Complete
Thanks to the contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, World Conference on Religion and Peace Japanese Committee, and other organizations and individuals, JEN has completed the building of the third earthquake-proof school in Haveli, Bagh. JEN had the handing-over ceremony inviting the school teachers and the now 110 excited children who will get an education in the new classrooms.
JEN’s projects, not only the ones that concern the construction of schools, are always done through the cooperation of so many different supporters. Especially in this project, JEN got the greatest support from Tobishima Corporation. Cooperation from local people and teachers were of great importance as well. As the construction of the schools were completed, we received a letter of appreciation from the local government.
JEN would like to continue our projects to provide a safer and more comfortable environment for children to receive an education.