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About Shelter Kits

186_low_2    Originally, the shelter kit included general relief items such as plastic sheets and tool sets. However, upon further needs assessment of the disaster victims, it became clear that plastic sheets were not suitable for Myanmar’s climate, and that people were not accustomed to using them.

Therefore, JEN and UMFCCI decided to distribute home-building materials such as bamboo and palm tree leaves in order to better suit the needs of the victims.

In emergency assistance, needs change on a daily basis. By providing assistance appropriate for the climate and the people, JEN is able to respect the wishes and requests of the people. Furthermore, distributing materials that the people are accustomed to allows them to reconstruct their homes by themselves.

When we shared this distribution plan with those in the village, there was a look of relief on their faces. It is important not only to distribute necessary materials, but to support the people’s positive willingness to move forward.

June 19, 2008 in Myanmar |