Meaning behind of Distribution
Recently, the Field office in Kashmir, Pakistan received requests from schools. That is a request for helping them install tents.
Reconstruction of schools in Bagh district has been late severely, so as a temporary measure other organizations distributed tents kit which can be used as class rooms in the fiscal year 2008.
The students have received the new tents, however they do not know what to do with them even though they have an instruction paper in one hand, because they have never set such large sized tents by themselves.
JEN also distributed tents for schools from January to April in 2006, as an emergency assistance just after the earthquake hit in the area in Oct 2005. JEN set the tents in cooperation with the villagers and JEN has been periodically monitoring afterwards and doing repairs.
This time the tents are not the ones which JEN distributed, however JEN has been helping the
villagers to set the tents together by the request from the school.
One may image “Distribution” is just to “give objects”. However the distribution of JEN is not just “carrying objects”. JEN always cares the feelings of receivers or users when purchasing or distributing.
And JEN considers that distributed objects can encourage local people's independence.